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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Back to school

So summer is over and school has started back...what a great summer we had!! My favorite was our vacation to Destin, Fl. It's was so relaxing there and I'm thankful to be able to have that one on one family time...it was a special trip for sure and glad Eric also had a chance to relax... he needed it!!

Valerie starts 1st grade this year soo far she has done great and is excited about the school year. She has also started playing soccer..her first practice was last week and she loved it..she has already informed me she wants to play next season!! I told her let's get through this one first =)

Aubrey is about to start preschool next week and she is looking forward to that...and So am I!!

In the meantime I have been working hard on the baby's nursery...only a few more things and it will be complete. I'll post pics one it's all done. Im scheduled to have a c-section Oct 20th so it's is coming very fast...Can't wait to meet our little guy!!

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