I had a Dr.'s visit this week it went good. I was happy to hear I have only gained 4 pounds (not too shabby). I guess continuing my workout routine is paying off while pregnant. I am now 3 1/2 months along, the baby's heartbeat is in the 140's, and we get to find out the sex on June 1st. The big question.. Will we add another girl to our house of pink or will we get to paint a room blue? Can't wait to find out!
In the mean time we are gearing up for summer..Yea! We are leaving for Memorial day to Port Aransas with all my family (mom,dad,brothers and Family's) that should be fun. We have been making Lot's of plans for vacation, camps, etc... I know Valerie will be ready for a break from school, she has worked very hard in K this year and I'm sooooooooo Proud of her.
In the mean time we are gearing up for summer..Yea! We are leaving for Memorial day to Port Aransas with all my family (mom,dad,brothers and Family's) that should be fun. We have been making Lot's of plans for vacation, camps, etc... I know Valerie will be ready for a break from school, she has worked very hard in K this year and I'm sooooooooo Proud of her.